۱۳۸۸ شهریور ۹, دوشنبه


Scenario 1:
I'll pass two remaining courses, they'll let me get the two courses that I've fialed, and my thesis'll be ready in time.
I can move on to "fogh".

Scenario 2:
I won't pass "Signals and Systems", OR they won't let me get those two damned courses.
I have to be here for another semester. Then I have two choices:
I: Apply for master. Go through that hell one more time, spend a lot of money, and hope this time you won't be rejected.

۲ نظر:

A گفت...

آقا سناریوی من : سیگنال رو پاس می شی، پروژتو دفاع می کنی ...

نمی تونی فوق رو ثبت نام کنی بعد دو تا درس بعدیتو اونجا پاس کنی ؟؟
درست می شه

Arian گفت...

To felan mostaghel az inke oona ghabool mikonan ya na darseto pass kon va projaro tamoom kon, bad bar asase "cards you're dealt" tasmim begir!
hal mishe haji